Crouching (or Limping) Tiger
The world watched Tiger Woods limp off the golf course after setting his 36th record at Augusta National. This time the record was making the 23rd consecutive cut at The Masters.
Rewind 2021 MVA
Among other injuries, Tiger Woods sustained a talus fracture in his high energy MVA in Los Angeles.
In their clinical paper, Ohl et al. examine the longer term impact of talus fractures with subtalar arthritis affecting 87% of the patients, 76% of patients developing tibiotalar arthritis, and talonavicular arthritis affecting 20% of patients.
Subtalar joint fusion
Despite the media calling this “ankle surgery,” Tiger Woods had a subtalar joint fusion on the week following The Masters. There’s a lot of room for speculation on when and if he will return to the PGA and if his next surgery will be a total ankle arthroplasty.
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